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What are DTOs?

DTO stands for "Data Transfer Object". They are the filter through which data is accepted into, and output from the application.

Why DTOs?

Data that is modifiable by clients, and that should be read by clients is often only a subset of the attributes that make up a domain object.

For example, lets say we have an internal representation of an Author that looks like this:

  "id": "97108ac1-ffcb-411d-8b1e-d9183399f63b",
  "name": "Agatha Christie",
  "dob": "1890-9-15",
  "created": "2022-11-27T01:58:00",
  "updated": "2022-11-27T01:59:00"

Of those attributes, values for "id", "created" and "updated" are internally generated, and should not be available to be modified by clients of our application.

This is where a DTO comes in. We create a type to validate user input that will only allow values for "name" and "dob" from clients, for example:

  "name": "Agatha Christie",
  "dob": "1890-9-15"


  • Generate pydantic models from SQLAlchemy ORM models.
  • Mark fields as "read-only" or "private" to control inclusion of fields on DTO models.
  • Automatically infer defaults, and default factories from the SQLAlchemy column definitions.

The dto.FromMapped type allows us to use our domain models, which are defined as SQLAlchemy ORM types, to generate DTOs.

Here's a quick example.

Simple Example
from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import date, datetime
from typing import Annotated

from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase, Mapped, mapped_column

from starlite_saqlalchemy import dto

class Base(DeclarativeBase):
    """ORM base class.

    All SQLAlchemy ORM models must inherit from DeclarativeBase. We also
    define some common columns that we want to be present on every model
    in our domain.

    id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
    created: Mapped[datetime]
    updated: Mapped[datetime]

class Author(Base):
    """A domain model.

    In addition to the columns defined on `Base` we have "name" and

    __tablename__ = "authors"
    name: Mapped[str]
    dob: Mapped[date]

# This creates a DTO, which is simply a Pydantic model that inherits
# from our special  `FromMapped` subclass. We call it "WriteDTO" as it
# is the model that we'll use to parse client data as they try to
# "write" to (that is, create or update) authors in our domain.
WriteDTO = dto.FromMapped[Annotated[Author, "write"]]

# we can inspect the fields that are available on the DTO

# {
#     "id": ModelField(name="id", type=int, required=True),
#     "created": ModelField(name="created", type=datetime, required=True),
#     "updated": ModelField(name="updated", type=datetime, required=True),
#     "name": ModelField(name="name", type=str, required=True),
#     "dob": ModelField(name="dob", type=date, required=True),
# }

Read the comments in the example for a description of everything that is going on, however notice that the fields on our DTO type include "id", "created", and "updated" - fields that should not be modifiable by clients.

Let's have another go:

Simple Example with Read Only Fields
from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import date, datetime
from typing import Annotated

from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase, Mapped, mapped_column

from starlite_saqlalchemy import dto

class Base(DeclarativeBase):
    """ORM base class.

    Using the dto.field() function, we've annotated that these columns
    are read-only.

    id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True, info=dto.field("read-only"))
    created: Mapped[datetime] = mapped_column(info=dto.field("read-only"))
    updated: Mapped[datetime] = mapped_column(info=dto.field("read-only"))

class Author(Base):
    """Domain object."""

    __tablename__ = "authors"
    name: Mapped[str]
    dob: Mapped[date]

WriteDTO = dto.FromMapped[Annotated[Author, "write"]]

# now when we inspect our fields, we can see that our "write" purposed
# DTO does not include any of the fields that we marked as "read-only"
# fields.

# {
#     "name": ModelField(name="name", type=str, required=True),
#     "dob": ModelField(name="dob", type=date, required=True),
# }

That's better! Now, we'll only parse "name" and "dob" fields out of client input.

Configuring generated DTOs

Th two main factors that influence how a DTO is generated for a given domain model are:

  1. The modifiability and privacy of the individual attributes of the domain model.
  2. The purpose of the DTO, is it to be used to parse and validate inbound client data, or to serialize outbound data.

Configuring DTO Fields


This is the object that we use to configure DTO fields. To use the dto.DTOField object assign a dict to the mapped_column() or relationship info parameter, with the "dto" key and an instance of dto.DTOField as value, for example col: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(info={"dto": dto.DTOField(...)}).

The dto.DTOField object supports marking fields as "read-only" or "private", setting an explicit pydantic FieldInfo and type, and setting validators for the field.

The easiest way to configure a DTO field is through the dto.field() function.


The dto.field() function creates an info dict for us, setting values on an dto.DTOField instance as appropriate. For example, the following are identical:

  • col: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(info={"dto": dto.DTOField(mark=dto.Mark.PRIVATE)})
  • col: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(info=dto.field("private"))

field() supports the same arguments as DTOField, however it will also coerce string values for mark to the appropriate enum.


Fields on our domain models can take one of three states.

  1. Normal - field can be written to, and read by clients, this is the state of unmarked fields.
  2. Read-only - field can be read by clients, but not modified.
  3. Private - field can not be read or updated by client.

The dto.Mark enumeration lets us express these states on our domain models.

dto.field() will accept the mark values as either the explicit enum, or its string representation, e.g., dto.field(dto.Mark.PRIVATE) and dto.field("private") are equivalent.


The following example demonstrates all field configurations available via the field() function.

DTOField Configuration Example
from __future__ import annotations

from pydantic import Field, constr
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase, Mapped, mapped_column

from starlite_saqlalchemy import dto

def check_email(email: str) -> str:
    """Validate an email."""
    if "@" not in email:
        raise ValueError("Invalid email!")
    return email

class Base(DeclarativeBase):
    """Our ORM base class."""

class Thing(Base):
    """Something in our domain."""

    __tablename__ = "things"
    # demonstrates marking a field as "read-only" and overriding the generated pydantic `FieldInfo`
    # for the DTO field.
    id = mapped_column(
        primary_key=True, info=dto.field("read-only", pydantic_field=Field(alias="identifier"))
    # demonstrates overriding the type assigned to the field in generated DTO
    always_upper: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(info=dto.field(pydantic_type=constr(to_upper=True)))
    # demonstrates setting a field as "private"
    private: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(info=dto.field("private"))
    # demonstrates setting a validator for the field
    email: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(info=dto.field(validators=[check_email]))

SQLAlchemy info dictionary

SQLAlchemy Column and relationship accept an info parameter, which allows us to store data alongside the columns and relationships of our model definitions. This is what we use to configure our DTOs at the model level.

Info dict namespace key

The key that is used to namespace our DTO configuration in the info dict is configurable via environment. By default, this is "dto", however it can be changed to anything you like by setting the API_DTO_INFO_KEY environment variable.

Configuring DTO Objects


This is the object that controls the generated DTO, and should be passed as the first argument to Annotated when declaring the DTO. For example, to create a "read" purposed DTO that excludes the "id" field:

ReadDTO = dto.FromMapped[Annotated[Author, dto.DTOConfig(purpose=dto.Purpose.READ, exclude={"id"})]]

The dto.config() function allows for more compact expression of DTO configuration.


Factory function for creating DTOConfig instances, and handles coercing the literal strings "read" and "write" to their dto.Purpose enum counterpart.

For example to create a write purposed DTO using the dto.config() function:

WriteDTO = dto.FromMapped[Annotated[Author, dto.config("write")]]

Which is equivalent to:

WriteDTO = dto.FromMapped[Annotated[Author, dto.DTOConfig(purpose=dto.Purpose.WRITE)]]

Annotated positional arguments

The first argument to Annotated must always be the SQLAlchemy ORM type. We inspect a single additional positional argument after that, which can either be the string name of a dto.Purpose enum, or a dto.DTOConfig object.

For example, these three definitions are equivalent:

  • WriteDTO = dto.FromMapped[Annotated[Author, dto.DTOConfig(purpose=dto.Purpose.WRITE)]]
  • WriteDTO = dto.FromMapped[Annotated[Author, dto.config("write")]]
  • WriteDTO = dto.FromMapped[Annotated[Author, "write"]]


dto.Purpose has two values, dto.Purpose.READ and dto.Purpose.WRITE. These are used to tell the factory if the purpose of the DTO is to parse data submitted by the client for updating or "writing" to a resource, or if it is to serialize data to be transmitted back to, or "read" by the client.